Ronald R. Braeutigam

- Kapnick Professor of Business Institutions, Department of Economics
Ronald R. Braeutigam, Kapnick Professor of Business Institutions in the Department of Economics, assumed the post of Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education on September 1, 2006. In this capacity, Braeutigam focuses on enhancing the educational experience of Northwestern’s undergraduate students. Working with deans, decanal staffs, faculty, and students, he serves as an advocate for undergraduate education and helps to facilitate cross-school initiatives. In collaboration with the Vice President for Student Affairs, he helps to link the curricular and co-curricular lives of students through Northwestern’s eleven residential colleges.
Braeutigam’s previous university service includes terms as Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and Advising in the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences (2004-2006) and Director of the College’s Business Institutions Program (1995-2004). A specialist in microeconomics, industrial organization, and public policy, Braeutigam received his Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Tulsa and his Ph.D. in Economics from Stanford University. He joined the faculty of Northwestern’s Department of Economics in 1975. In 1997 he was designated as a Charles Deering McCormick Professorship of Teaching Excellence, the University’s highest award for distinguished undergraduate teaching.